When the sun creeps down
Behind the Willow Tree
And your heart sinks
To the darkest deep
Choose me
When hands reach
To pull you near
And lips tempt
From word to ear
Choose me
Choose me to hear
When pavement cracks
Bringing belly aches
Tempting lies
And levee breaks
Palms up
Head down
Eyes closed
Ear to the ground
Let it go
Let all of it be
Then open your eyes and
Choose me
The line ‘chose me’ just knocked me off my feet. As always my little butterfly…glorious
Awwww, appreciate that! Love & hugs to you hunny bunny. ?
Love it, love it, love it.
Yea! Thank you love, so glad you like it!! ?
Thank you! ?? ๐
For me, it’s life whispering, ‘choose me’. Lovely poem!!
Hey, do you write music? This would make a great song!
I love your whisper, great interpretation.
I wish I did! I have collaborated with musicians before. I am told that a lot of my poetry would be good songs. I should collab more! Thank you for reading. ??
Quit twisting my arm.. I choose..
*waits in anticipation*
Nice one, great photo!
Thank you!
This is one kicking stanza
When pavement cracks
Bringing belly aches
Tempting lies
And levee breaks
Really powerful.
Enjoyed this poem:-)
(Thank you for also reading my post. ost appreciative)
You’re welcome, was my pleasure.
Thank you for coming by. Appreciate you reading and happy you enjoyed it! ?
I agree with what another person wrote and that is it seemed like a song a to me. I could picture an acoustic set up and someone playing his guitar while singing this song in a Kurt Cobain voice. Keep Rockin’
Ha, perfect! I should get on that. ?
Intensity of wanting is quite palpable. Great concise images and excellent reinforcement (choose me). Makes me remember…
So glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for stopping by. ?
Aw, thank you! ?
So why again should I choose you? ๐
Cause you know I am the best choice! Thank you for reading. ?
First, congratulations and welcome to the One Stop Team! Simply a beautifully written poem that speaks not only to my heart but I’m sure many others. There hasn’t been a time in which one of us has not internally screamed out, choose me! Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for the warm welcome and I am very glad you felt a connection to this. I appreciate you stopping by! xoxoxo
I felt this one… very deeply. Powerful write!
Thank you, love. Honored you made a connection with the words. xoxoox ?
Almost like hearing you chant some spiritual mantra to my soul. I would choose you everytime. Bravo!
*hand to heart* Thank you, love. You made my heart sing. ?
Absolutely lovely. ๐
Aw, I appreciate that *big grin* ?
Made my heart stutter and catch. I had as visceral a reaction to it as i do my own poetry written for personal experience. Rhythmic and simple… It would take more words to describe what you’ve done than words it took to do it.
Thank you sweetie, honored you enjoyed it. ?
ah, so beautiful…great rhyme scheme and the repitition of choose me…lyrical one shot
Thank you Brian!
Tender, heartfelt poem. Especially liked the first stanza and:
Palms up
Head down
Eyes closed
Ear to the ground
Appreciate that, thank you for reading! ?
Yes, I’d like that with a slice of smiles to go.. thanks..
๐ ๐ ??
A sweet poem. For your lover, yeh? When you get older (like me), you might write a poem like this to a spirit ally or maybe God. That’s when all the hormones and dramas calm down. Believe me, they will.
Thank you for reading!
When lips tempt from word to ear – The very essence of poetry, I think. Brava!
Thank you! ๐
yes – this could be a song – i like the intervals – the repetition of choose me and the variation of short and longer lines – gives your poem a good rhythmic feeling
Thank you Claudia!
Oh wowww… this one sang out to me, girl… lovely!
We all need one such hand to hold on to… a hand that cares, always… how wonderful that is!
A soft and beautiful one shot, Jessica..
Thank you lovely Kavita! I appreciate your comment. ??
a work as gentle and lovely as the lady who wrote it, jess, and that’s all jokes aside, dear lady ๐
You are too kind. Thank you for reading my dear, love & hugs ?
There’s definitely a lyrical quality to this piece that lingers after reading it…nicely done.
Thank you very much!
Superb use of cadence, repetition, flow, all that. Exemplary stuff.
Thank you so much Steve! ?