“re-examine all you have been told in school, or church, or in any book, and dismiss whatever insults your own soul”
Walt Whitman
Are you where you imagined you would be?
Are you done with complacency and suffering? Are you ready to make serious shifts to have the life, relationships, and business that you’ve always dreamed you would have?
You are not alone.
I guide people out of indoctrination and domestication so they can live strong, confident lives—from a genuine space of hope, healing, and love.
It takes a tremendous amount of courage to challenge our own beliefs. As the Four Agreements states, “even if we know we didn’t choose all these beliefs, it is also true that we agreed to all of them.” The beauty this life offers is the ability to always make new choices, to learn, and to evolve.
Do you want to:
• Own your story and reality.
• Remove blocks that create hopelessness and lack.
• Work through grief and loss.
• Increase your connections in love and business.
• Find real forgiveness.
• Create healthy boundaries and habits for better relationships.

I once lived in a world with NO boundaries.
I found myself in perpetual states of fear and with an inability to move beyond survival mode. I struggled financially and didn’t have a belief system that was unique to me. I moved from states of stability to instability for the greater part of my adulthood.
This was my reality.
Until I questioned it, wanted to change it, and then moved through a challenging journey to interrupt the little girl who was stuck in trauma and pain, and bring her to a place of understanding, forgiveness, and rest.
It’s time to interrupt fear-based thinking and question your beliefs and current reality. Now is your moment to move from survival mode—to setting boundaries, and expand into a life YOU’VE CREATED and LOVE.

Working With Me is:
A place for guidance and helping you find YOUR truth, abundance, and balance.
A place for Action. You are given actionable items to ensure movement in the growth process.
A Place for someone who is ready and open to accept change or healing.
A safe space to speak your truth.
How I can Support You?
Get in touch and tell me YOUR story.

One on One Powerful Programs
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