In the still of the night, your face dances on my wall, I run my burdened hand across your comforting eyes. Hoping to feel just a glimpse of your skin. You vibrate through my doors, and tremble ... READ the POST
What This Seems
I forget what it means to be clean, from the inside out, and the in-between. I lose track so easily, of what it means to swim in gold rivers and be set free. I had let go of what it was to ... READ the POST
Missing You
If I pull away your layers, will I find me? Tucked safe inside your ribcage and watered by your soul. When I look into your eyes, will your love reflect mine? Pulsing the colors from your magic that ... READ the POST
Eyes Wide Open
Tomorrow speaks quietly with cherry blossom breath. Missteps wrap into night cries. I know them as I do the back of my hand and I push through my discomfort's smile. A sanctuary now guarded by the ... READ the POST
Beneath the Earth
Whether metaphorical or straight daggered to the point, volumes are spoken. My effect may be small as a grain of sand, but I swing to you in cargo holds of 10,000 x 10,000. I breathe through heart ... READ the POST
Sometimes I want to bury myself,deep into the ground.No room for breathing,no strength for sound. I lay my shame by your hand,straining in my silence.The ashes that spring from my fingers,will never ... READ the POST