There was a moment in time – when I thought dirt made you clean, and water dehydrated. My stars were raindrops and my moons burned to the touch. The wind pushes me forward, and I have learned to ... READ the POST
The Lies of Lightning
A crack of thunder opens my eyes – lightning slices the sky. Such beauty in nature and so terrifying at the same time. There is no comfort in the sound of thunder, and lightning is just a lie. It ... READ the POST
A Loss for Actions
I am ashamed that your dirty hands, make me flinch. I know you didn’t start this way. Foaming at the mouth. Mumbled words. Your twitches formed with emotional breaks, and physical beatings. Exiled ... READ the POST
Growing Beyond Complacency
Being “a different person” does not always break through the lips as positive. Sometimes these statements need to be left in the dirt where they came from - because they are as truthful as the ... READ the POST
Deaths Reminder
Broken skin. Like shattered glass, scattered in an empty parking lot. Street lights that burn bridges - and teach me to sing a different song. Death sweeps and boils, rising to the top. Golden wounds ... READ the POST
I wish the moon would bring light through the window. Tonight, like so many nights before, just darkness. It is too dark to see even shadows, and the blackness seems to consume me like an overgrown ... READ the POST